• +91-9511530424

App Features

Like A Native App

No difference At All

Just like a native Android or iPhone app, PWA app works and looks like exactly the same.

Works Offline

We Got You Backed Up

Even if a user is offline, app doesn't crashes. It continues to serve the client until internet is needed.

Push Notifications

Stay Connected With Customers

You are able to send your clients notification about new stuff even when their app is not open.

Zero Size On Device

Yes, You Heard That Right

It just takes a few KBs to create a shortcut icon on device's screen, and that is all.

Instant Deployment

Don't Wait To Be Heard

With real time deployment, any new changes to you app is available to clients in a couple of seconds.

Android/IOS Competible

Your All In One Solution

Now, with power of PWA, you can list your app in all devices at no additional cost. Isn't that awesome?

  • Free Daily Backups

    We've got you backed up.

  • 24/7 Customer Support

    State of art customer service.

  • Unlimited Disk Space

    You never run out of space..

  • World-wide Services

    Global reach, you just name it.

  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee

    You are always up and running.

  • Email/Chat Support

    On demand support just a click away.